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What is considered excellent customer service?

Know the companies with excellent customer service It is a way to recognize the strengths and opportunities for improvement that are within yours. Apply the benchmarking, replicating the good that the best organizations in this field do. 

Companies with outstanding customer service include Netflix, Disney, Starbucks, Amazon, and Apple.

To help you with this we have chosen 6 of the best in customer service.

Excellent customer service is directly linked to the consumer experience. If the customer is satisfied and feels that their expectations have been met or even exceeded, we are providing an outstanding customer service. 

The companies with the best customer service invest in innovation and technological solutions that allow ultra-segmentation of their customers for high personalization.

Among all the elements that can be considered by consumers as essential to qualify customer service excellence, there are some that are common. Those that cannot be missing are the following: 

  • Agility in response times
  • personalized communication and omnichannel 
  • Proactivity
  • Real commitment and integrity on the part of the company 


Among the companies that have managed to meet or exceed the standards to provide excellent customer service we have the following:


From the moment of its conception, Netflix has known how to take advantage of technology and innovation based on excellent customer service. Thanks to their subscription model for a full fee and access to on-demand content on the internet, they have brought together elements such as: 

  • Democratization of access to its services (only internet and a PC are needed). 
  • Personalized content with its hyper-segmentation of customers by various criteria (likes, interests, ages, etc.).
  • Multiple distribution channels.
  • They ensure a good user experience, with a solid foundation in the memorable experience for its employees.  


The e-commerce giant becomes our second great example of excellent customer service. In this, the 5 levers of the Cutomer eXperience are fulfilled: 

  • Friction. Minimize friction with customers with processes designed for it. For example, with the fully online purchase process, shipment tracking and multiple communication channels avoid frustrations. 
  • Delivery term. Amazon maintains excellent communication with customers from the moment they complete the purchase process. Inform and confirm the order through various channels and for the Prime service, delivery is from one day to the next. 
  • Personalization. Based on previous purchases or searches, Amazon sends information, offers, news and services of interest. Additionally, it usually remembers shipping address data and payment methods based on the recorded activity. 
  • Self-service. Amazon has a shopping cart that makes it easy to add preferred products and services. You can also access reviews or leave your own to facilitate the decision process. 
  • Availability. The e-commerce giant has made an effort to refine its communication channels with automation and self-service. Makes available chatbots and virtual assistants, so your customers never need to contact a service representative. 

Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),

Apple is a company that has made an effort to sell exclusivity and innovation to its customers. Every product that Steve Jobs, its founder, developed, even those that have been presented after his death, have focused on the needs of the client. 

To deliver excellent customer service, the best companies use chatbots and automation that avoid friction and favor self-service.

Now, its customer service in physical stores is an exceptional bridge and, likewise, the other attention channels for service and technical support. They show the effort that the company makes to select the right employees, create value and provide warmth and empathy. 


Some say that Disney customer service is an art. From its philosophy and organizational culture, the real purpose is imparted by customer satisfaction. The memorable experience transcends from happy employees to your customers. 

Now, we have to highlight that Disney does not stop innovating to meet the needs of its customers, joining the online à la carte content formats. This innovation and flexibility is also transferred to its customer service model. 


You've probably been to a Starbucks store and been asked for your name to receive a dedication on your coffee glass. Well, those little details are what make Starbucks one of the most successful brands in terms of customer service and Customer eXperience. 

Starbucks practices personalization in a genuine and practical way, based on an understanding of its customers and what they see as its value proposition. More than a good coffee, the company seeks to be remembered as a second home.

The company also integrates technology into its customer service processes through the Starbucks app. Thus, it delivers personalized offers and content of interest to the community. Likewise, in the store it offers various options with solutions in the cloud and IoT. 


Another case to highlight is the excellent customer service of Coca Cola. The brand is not far behind with innovation and technology based on consumers. 

Omnichannel platforms and Artificial Intelligence applied to different solutions and processes help the best companies to make a difference in the customer experience.

A clear case is the data mining with which they work to get to know their customers and undertake strategic marketing and service actions. In this way they manage to know the expectations and frustrations of their clients, in addition to creating a powerful channel for engagement. 

They also have omnichannel platforms for communication with customers and customer-centric routes to market. Thus they ensure availability and agility with the delivery of their products. 

This is how we see that in companies with excellent customer service there is a list of basic and common components. They are customer-centric culture, innovation and technology in favor of a memorable experience. 

Find the technological solutions that your company needs for excellent customer service. chattigo we have them for you!

Companies with excellent customer service meet the expectations of their customers such as the following: agility, proactivity, personalization, omnichannel and values ​​such as commitment and integrity. 

Among the companies that meet these conditions and user demands are: Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Starbucks and Coca Cola. They have innovation, technology and an organizational culture focused on the client as a common denominator. 

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